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Our team

Majid Khoshkholgh

Architect/ CEO

Meet Majid. Founder and CEO of Render Era.
Majid’s got this laid-back, steady vibe that has worked like magic in expanding our workplace. He started the studio with only two employees and right now, we’ve got a fantastic team of 14 artists working in 2 separate shifts, increasing our working hours to 12 every day.
Despite his big titles, Majid’s close with his employees. He listens patiently and helps sincerely. (And ignores harshly when he’s busy doing boss stuff)

Nazanin Poursalimi​

Architect/ Project Manager

Say hello to Nazanin, our one and only project manager coordinating everything and everybody. She’s the conductor of our orchestra and she makes sure every note comes out pitch-perfect.
With an obsessively diligent approach and a killer memory, she gives our clients an experience to remember but as an employee… things can get rough!
Step into our studio and you’ll see our walls adorned with her schedules and timetables. It looks like a post-modern art gallery and it’s a testament to her incredible dedication.
She has the most responsibility in our studio and she shares so little of it. Proud to work with her. Don’t wish to be her.


Architectural Designer/ Model Fabricator

Meet Saeede. The shadiest character we’ve got. She’s a senior designer, never takes vacations, when she talks to us it’s about work, and… that’s about everything we know about her.
Oh, but her work! She’s been working with us for years and she’s never had a dissatisfied client. She delivers exactly what the client asks for and she always delivers on time. There are rumors she’s an AI designer robot currently in the testing phase.


Interior Designer/ CGI Artist

Meet Yasamin. Yasamin’s a senior designer and with her mastery in both design and 3D art, she turns clients’ ideas into pure gold! You can’t miss her work. Look for warm vibrant colors, handmade pieces, plants, and one playfully present sunlight.
Yasamin’s art is a mirror of her spirited soul. She’s passionate and free, and she gets excited about the tiniest details of life around her. She fills our building with light and joy every day and I’m sure she can do the same to yours.


Architectural Designer/ VR Specialist


Landscape Designer/ Animator

Sahar’s the newest addition to our team. We snatched her from a big firm to help us with our architectural animations and she somehow managed to exceed our unfairly high expectations! With her wide arsenal of design software including: Tyflow, Fstorm, Nuke, Phoenix, Corona, and Premiere, she turns our CGI into dynamic journeys hardly distinguishable from a professionally directed movie!
Landscape projects are her favourite as they let her camera soar like a drone, crawl like a worm, and show off every angle of the project at hand.
We’re proud to have her and plan to keep her at all costs.



Meet Mohammad, Our very own Chef To Order. When morning cravings strike for scrambled eggs or hamburgers, we know whose door to knock on.
Although CTO really stands for Chief Technology Officer and not Chef to Order, Mohammad serves as our culinary savoir and tech father at the same time.
He knows everything about our computers and nurtures them with the care you’d expect a father to give his child.
Happy to have him with us. (and not just for the food)


Landscape Designer/ Animato

Moein is a senior CG artist and our tech guru! He knows everything about technology, architecture software in particular. With his vast knowledge, he helps our juniors hone their crafts and they love him for it.
Moein’s mainly in charge of our exterior projects and our clients specifically ask for him when it comes to their facades and landscapes. His realistic, minimalistic, and extremely detailed style satisfies even our most discerning clients.


Interior Designer/ CGI Artist

Hedieh’s our fastest 3D artist. She’s like the flash of renderings, zipping through projects with lightning speed!
Hedieh started off as a painter, then taught painting for a while, and then got into design. Because of her background in arts, she’s our go-to person for clients with more artistic tastes or who are looking for something extraordinary. She easily gets a grasp of their intricate visions and breathes life into them. Close to what Geppetto did to Pinocchio!


Interior Designer/ Drafter

Allow me to introduce Fatemeh. She’s responsible for drawing executive plans that can be easily carried out. Her precision is so on point it’s like she measures life with a micrometer!
Fatemeh’s attention to detail is next-level. She’s got an eagle eye for tiny nuances the rest of us couldn’t spot with a magnifying glass!
She’s also responsible for our in-studio music. Her playlists are not at all suitable for the office and we love them down to the last song.


Landscape Designer/ CGI Artist

MJ’s the youngest member of our team and probably the most hard-working. We don’t see MJ every day as he’s an architecture student and has to attend university classes by day. He stays late in the office however and greets us with hot tea when one of us morning people happens to drop by in the evening. Even when none of us visit, he leaves us cute paintings on the whiteboard so we know we’ve been missed.
MJ is a master of tower design and he hopes that you, the person reading this, have a skyscraper you need designed or rendered!
Oh, and he never misses a deadline. He’s had to sleep in the office more than once but he always delivers on time. Always.


Interior Designer/ Drafter

Meet Kimia, our construction planning maestro! She’s the one who turns visions into reality with her executive-level detailing.
With Kimia at the helm, you can rest assured that every inch is measured, every detail mentioned and everything is ready to be built to perfection. Having her on your project is like having a GPS for construction, you’ll never get lost in the process!


Social Media Manager/ Copywriter

Tanin is our social media master. She knows Instagram like the back of her hand. (If the back of her hand kept changing its algorithm) She writes most of our social media content so you’re probably already familiar with her amazing work.
Fluent in 3 languages, Tanin’s responsible for much of our customer service and we get green with envy whenever she’s speaking to one of our French clients. I don’t speak a word of French and even I can see they adore her!


Marketing Manager/ Content Creator

Officially, Aida’s our marketing manager. Unofficially, however, she does everything around here. Photography, editing, motion graphics, social media. You name it. Some days, we just sit back, munch on popcorn, and enjoy watching her work.


Relationship Manager/ Copywriter

Ali’s a senior copywriter and a true wordsmith. He’s responsible for much of the content you see on our website, including this one! (Yep! writing a piece about me) He’s an absolute master when it comes to words and honestly horrible with visuals. (Seriously, they don’t let me anywhere near the design board)
He believes no matter how serious a matter is, there’s always room for a little playfulness and that’s exactly how he treats his content.
Ali’s also an apprentice in our communications team so if you happen to knock on our door, prepare to be greeted by his very gummy and yet real smile!